Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book Launch

This photo was taken on Feb 20,
yea, i know it's rather late..
It is a book launch, It's I am Possible,
at The Art House. :))
Most importantly,
this photo consisted of 4/5 generations of
Aesthetic club Presidents :))

Monday, April 26, 2010


Ahh.. i'm hungry just looking at the griller teriyaki squid..
Had this at Shokudo, Raffles Shopping Centre.
yum yum~ it's Q-ness is just nice :))
The saltness of the sauce makes it wonderful,
you can't stop to ask for seconds!! :)
4.25 when served hot :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hmm.. Tried this Butter Corn Ramen at the jap restuarant again..
Ahh.. as you can see, it's very oily!!
however, it's didn't turn me off as much once i eat it..
Just that i can't risk my life to taste the soup base..
hahaha!!! i'm kinda picky over oily and unhealthy food..
Hmm.. i don't know how to rate it, hahah!!!
you gonna try it yourself..
since i'm not a oily food lover..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vanilla Pod

Hey, i found this nice litte restuarant, vanilla Pod, with such a scenary.
It's located at Mandai Orchid Garden itself.
Haven't tried it, just happened to be there for school matters.
Maybe you wanna try it out :))

Friday, April 23, 2010


When you didn't get to meet you beloved..
Desserts weren't as sweet anymore..

Ice cream coupe,
3 Scoops of ice creams, your choice of flavours,
at S$8.80, i like best is the forest fruit , the purple one :))
the rest is vanilla and cream cheese i/c :)
4.5 stars for cream cheese and forest fruit
for vanilla, it depends, if u like strong vanilla essence u will like it :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


For once, i avoided..
Not once but thrice..

Hey, did you even expect that??
Did you even notice??

Having both parties not to mention about it..
Really not gonna bring us anywhere..

I love you, that's why i'm trying so hard to maintain it..
How about you?? I don't feel anything from you anymore..

Everything just felt so blank and plain..
I can't grab hold any of those memories..

If you happen to read this damn thing..
Could you let me know how do you feel..

There's nothing else..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jurong Bird Park

Hey!!! i'm back!!!
Alive, in a piece but loads of bites and scratches!!
Love my birdies~~ :) :)
I'm serious that i'm gonna miss them LOADS!!!

Yesterday was my last day at JBP :)
Thankfully, i has fun :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yamakawa Super

Hey sweet tooths!!
How about have some biscuit choc??
it's nice, i like the crisps inside the choc!!
hehehe, i think you will be only to get this at Yamakawa Super~ :)
about 4 plus i think.. don't recall.. hahaha!!
4.25 stara!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Look at this, Mushroom and cheese omelette :)
doesn't it make you drool?? :P
Aww.. despite being tired and busy,
i managed to eat out with my mentor.
it was a great meal :)
This was ordered by her,
it was great, those juicy mushroom just make you ask for more :)
4.25 stars!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Coffee Connoisseur

Hazelnut Milkshake,
yea, nothing special, it's just drinking
a milkshake with a strong taste of hazelnuts..
bleah.. you're not going to enjoy it as much.. -___-
ahh.. it's about 8 bucks i think, nah i don't care..
it's not nice.. hahah.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bongo Burgers

Hey, if you ever go to Jurong Bird Park,
do try their restuarant!! It's nice for a fastfood. :)
I had Black Pepper Beef Burger,
it's really a thick patty of beef :)
Huge fries too!! :D
It's S$13.90, yes it's expensive!!
I got it at staff price.. :)
It was the best lunch ever in JBP!!
LOL, i'm comparing to their cater food for us..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ben & Jerry's

Hey peeps!!
I'm back, left with 2 weeks for attachment!!
Like finally, i'm going to get out of that place which feed with us inedible food..
I have eaten this ice cream for free at work!!
My second servin!! :)
It's Cookie & Cream Affiair!!
Yes, affiair!! i'm am having one..
LOL, it feels like it okay :P
hehehe don't mind me.. hehehe...
It's not that bad, but my strawberry chesse cake ice cream is still nicer :)
3.75 yummies~