Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Just wanna share a little of my day on Sunday.
It has been some time since i last wrote about my life.

We have got a bithday girl and boy...
One going to be 21 and the other, going to be 20.
We went some street in the middle of suntec and bugis.
where a street called middle road...
meeting time was 1800,
i predicted they will late, i was RIGHT. :P
only stepped into the shop at 1950...
late right?! coz bday girl's frens were late...

tell you a secret....
the chopstick cost S$15.00.
yeah! ONE-five...
it's a steamboat buffet...
free flow of drinks....
but there's not ICE CREAM.... :(

i was bloated with chunks and chunks of
why?! coz of yee jie's bf lah...
i just said once, My golden mushroom gone already!!
soon... plates and plates of golden mushroom came...
then clay fish.... -_______________-
i'm the last person to put down my chopsticks out of eleven ppl...

crazy hur... it's not my fault.....
he kept givin me food...
then i pass a bit to yiyi and michmich...
but i have a mountain of it on my plate...
worse....... i ate tom yam soup...
kinda regret.... my stomach... :'(

overall was great!
i return my favours to her bf by wacking him!! :P :P
ohh... i think i ate about 1kg of food.... -____-

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