Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Schedule Book

Hmm.. finally my photos are uploaded after a few HOURS..
This is my new organiser!! :)
Love books, those special or interestin papers/covers. :)
Got this instead of that dull looking one that costs only S$2..
Thinking that i have to face it daily, i just can't stand it..
This book is interesting that every month this little old cat will travel around the world..
So will i too :) It's just very comforting for me lah,
as if i'm goin on holidays..
Seriously, i need a break..
YES, though school just started like only FOUR days..
Just imagine the tension all day..
Doc told me i'm have really early tension muscles stress..
HAHA.. I seriously hope that's the case..
While waitin for the final diagonis,
i will take it as that then..
Anyway, i love this BOOK, from Taiwan, bought in PageONE, at S$12.90!!
Please make me feel more relax :P

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