Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hey peeps!!

Decided to promote my lovely sister's blog :))
She made great muffins, cakes and cookies~
With loads of love in it, to make sure it taste SWEET!!

Had tried her lemon pound cake, it was really fantastic,
i don't have to go to Bakerzin for lemon pound cake anymore~
Her cookies are fangrance and tasty~

Recently, i tried her Mala cake, it was a healthy cake, love it too!!

Please support her if you're keen on getting any
delicious homemade desserts for your frens and family :))

Appreciate it loads!! :))

Sneak preview below~
link is on the right side; the nosh; ragamuffins


  1. WAH! Your blog content and layout getting more and more PRO! Good work!

  2. hey thanks for dropping by again :))
    haha!! as compared to your, i'm not up to date yet :P hehe let's press on!!

  3. didn't know you prefered Chong version of lemon cake to Bakerzin's! I'm blushing:))

  4. hehe :)) yea i love it cici~


Appreciate it if you can write something :)