Saturday, October 25, 2008

Supernatural and Slice of Life

Jigoku Shoujo = Hell girl = 地獄少女

It's about a girl called Enma Ai, who is the hell girl. She have three followers; a sword, a lady, a soldier. Ai has a very vague past to begin with. This anime shows shorts stories of humans cursing each other and Ai's past are reviewed in bits and pieces. In this season, it is rumoured if you truely hold a grudge on someone, at the stroke of twelve midnight you will be able to access the website of hell girl's. Ai's followers are used as cursed straw dolls, a red string is tied to it's neck. You made a contract with Ai after you pulled the string. However, two graves will be dug and one will be for youself after you died. Your soul will suffer in hell for eternal. Ai's past were dug out by a freelance reporter who has a daughter. His daughter is able to foresee who are going to set a curse. This part it was not explained clearly, only stating that Ai was the one who tells this girl in her sub conscience. This reporter wants to stop Ai from doing such actions and tried to track down her using his daughter. Surprisely, the past which he had found out was sending others to hell had started in the olden days. In a interesting way, newspaper advertisement was used. The advertisement will be appeared blank to 'normal' peopler. However, it was rumored that if you truely hold a grudge on someone, the advertisement will appear visble to you. A address will be seen. All you need is to send a letter of your cursed name into the post using that address. And Ai will fulfil your wish.
Completed: 26 episodes

Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori = Hell girl Second Cage = 地獄少女 二籠

A second season, Kikuri a new character who follows Ai around. A troublesome kid which Ai's followers dislike due to her foul mouth. Kikuri is concerned about Jigoku Shoujo and Jigoku Tenshi, some what like a spy. Nobody knows where she came from and her past too. In this season, Ai's followers's past are reviewed. Lastly, the unexpected ending awaits for Ai.
Completed: 26 epsiodes

Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae = 地獄少女 三鼎

Ai is back. From second season, Ai was dead in the end. The first episode was 'The Girl who was Taken'. When i first watched it, i was confused. Ai was in another school girl's body. And her followers were recuited back by Kikuri. They were living in a peaceful lives as souls. The soldier worked as a construction worker, the lady as bartender and the sword was a bathroom cleaner. Now a new male character appears out of no where again. And he addressed Kikuri as Hime [princess] because Kikuri wants him to do so. How Ai will continue her story? It's a mystery.
Ongoing: episode 3 [released on late Oct 08]

I will rate it as 4 popcorns out of 5.
Ai's past interests me the most. :)
Third season available at
First and second available at


  1. hellgirl....but who'sword? a person or a live talking sword???

  2. it is a sword which had killed many people. and he will transform as a human form in the anime. :)


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