Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Abortion: Not an alternative UPDATED

As requested, i will write a longer comment on this topic.

Readers i apologize for not putting up the article due to citiation reasons,hence i need you to leave it to your imagination about this topic.

Abortion, a method to remove a unwanted child by adults. No choice has been given to the unborn baby. A cruel method i will say yet a relieve for the adults who doesn't want the child of an 'accident'.

From the article, i felt that the author is focusing at adults who choose abortion equals to get rid of the 'product'. The product[s] is unwanted, however i felt that not all abortions are meant to be like this. Abortion could be an alternative for those weak health mummies. Normally if a mummy had weak health and shouldn't be pregnant. In this case, she will be in danger while having a baby. Thus, abortion could be a way to save the mummy or lady. Though they supposed to know that before hand, the couple still choose to have intercourse risking of being pregnant. Another case is it could be a poor family unable to support another child, however abortion will not be an alternative for them. They could just allow 'it' to be born then send to a family or centre to take care of their child.

Abortion is legal in some countries, they felt that the adults should have such freedom. Or else abortion will be a underground business. Improper treatment may be given, hence that lady will be risking her womb to be punched and damaged her womb while may not be able to give birth in future.

Abortion had became a tread among the teenagers because sex had became a leisure to them. They enjoyed the process, neglecting the end product.

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