Thursday, March 5, 2009


Awww, it took me quite a while to upload these photos :)
My birthday presents from my church, friend and mei :)
It's just how nice God has allocated them in my life. :D

I was treated by mei at xinwang for Spicy pork cheese baked rice. :)
Delicious, Stretchy cheese~~~
Gave me a LIME green pail of paper stars :)
202 of them :) counted with single effort and love of hers :P
And the following day, she stunned me with another purple card.
Dropped by my door step when i was away at church.
I was very GLAD to have her around :P
HUGS and more HUGS for you sweetie!!! :D

This is BLUEberry tea cake baked by Vidya.
THANKS loads!!
It was very tasty,
my church friends told me they were good!
They wiped out the rest after i had 4 of them :)
And thought that you had bought it somewhere.
That shows how good it is! :D

Many thanks to Wei Ci san-mei for making this card for me :)
Of course, getting everyone to sign it :)
And another sketch book in PURPLE!! :)
Oh my, this is expensive!
Wei Yi er-jie told me,
that's why i need others to get for me! :)
Isn't that sweet, it's from the Chongs sisters,
that includes Wei Xin da-jie :D
Many HUGS to my Ebenezer Church :)

Little things you do,
brighten up my day and
make me smile :) :)
Thank you my friends :D


  1. Happy Belated Birthday my friend! God bless you.

    Btw are you a dragonball fan?

  2. thanks! :) haha still all right, used to watch it since young. now so so, might catch the movie! :D


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