Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don Quijote

Don Quijote Spanish Resturant!
Posh lah Posh lah~ :P
This is S$36.00, yes, 36!
Tiger prawns, clams, mussels
plus baked rice....
It's great, but it was a pity that
the prawns were not fresh...
Thus, we have a complimentary dessert!!
It's on the HOUSE! :P
After all we had ordered that much,
yea, believe it, the total bill was S$140.00.
I'm not a seafood person,
but i will say that it's pretty good.
4.00 sumptuous,
4.50 if prawns were fresh.
It just happened to be not fresh
when i went there :(
the chef didn't like me..... :'(
chey, i also can't take prawns! :P
anyway, it's located at bukit timah road,
nearby beauty world. :)

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