Thursday, April 16, 2009


Last night i just watched TAKEN
at cathay at Woodlands, Causeway Point.
It has been ages since i last went there.
okay okay, don't wanna be so long winded already.
Serious matter now.

Taken NC16 length app 90 minutes
Stunning action scenes!
Leadactor: Bryan
Bryan had a broken marriage
due to his carreer in government.
Now that his daughter, Kim, is 17.
She wants to go to Paris but she need
her biologicial dad's consent.
After consideration,
Bryan allows her child to fly
with another 19 year old girl, Amenda.
Of course, with a few rules.
both of them were kidnapped by bad guys.
They were sell girls, turn them into drug addicts
and make them into a hooker.
Bryan was the the first to contact to Kim
when she landed on Paris and sort of
witness her been kidnapped through the phone.
Through many ways,
Bryan makes his way to track down his daughter.
The last words to the kidnappers were
'Return me daughter now, there will be no revenge.
If you don't, i will hunt you down and i will kill you'

Action rating 4.25
Storyboard 4.00
It's pretty worth it for a ACTION movie.
What a loving dad Kim has got.
I will love to have such a pro dad too :P

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