Thursday, May 7, 2009


For those who are concern...
Decided to do a write up on my condition...
Apologies for all the long faces, emo looks,
expressionless looks and cold looking ones...

After consultations and x-rays,
i have gotten a few bad news...

Okay, allow to me to rewind what had happened.
In 2006, i had admitted to A & E on sports day.
That's when i had found out my knee had given way.
Gone through physiotherapy and consulted bone specialist.
Even had a unlimited MC for PE/sports...
That's when i had stopped everything related to sports.
No more NAPFA, classmates envying me while i'm envying them..

Years past, condition didn't seem to be improving.
Last Wednesday, 29 April 09,
i was having some badminton session
with my buddy, after that,
upon removing my knee guard,
intense pain was felt on my right knee.
Strongly advised by my two close friends,
to consult a TCM physcian.
Told me that i had dislocated my knee,
that's why i had this dangling feeling since 2/3 months ago.
How it felt was, loosely attached of my knee with the leg.
Weak and strengthless right leg i had.

He advised me to go for 3 x-rays,
both of my knees and my cervial spine series.
Why my spine too?
He has suspected it's the cause of my magraine.
Yesterday, i went for my x-ray and 2nd consultation.
Dr. Wong explained to us about my x-rays.
Firstly, my neck, has C1 to C8 (ususally is till C7),
but he said it's okay.
alignment is good too,
however, the curve of my spine is not there.
It has strained my neck and shoulder muscles.
That's the trigger to my magraine.
Secondly, i have a crook spine.
Most likely is due to my standing posture,
studying postures, carrying postures,
sleeping postures which had led to this two symptoms.
Due to my crook spine,
i have a slip disk which pushes my nerves,
causing me pains at my shoulder blades.
Strongly advised me to do something about it asap,
if not in future, i will not be able to turn my head.
Given me 6 excerises to do everyday,
and told me the fastest rate to be heal is THREE years.

Followed by my knees x-rays.
Inflammations, infections in both knees.
Right is worse, now it's bandaged.
The bone is compressing my cartilage.
Ligament and tendon are damaged.
Told me that it's my hard working days
that has caused me this...
Overworked my knees than it can heal.
Told me that i need to wear my knee guard now,
even when i'm walking.
That's how serious it is...

All right,
that's about it,
don't wanna talk anymore about it.

My close friends, buddies, please give me
your moral support, despesrately needing it...

Church friends, please pray for me.

Thank God, that my condition will be able to heal,
just takes time and efforts.

I will bear all this, for God knew that i can,
as He only gives what i am able to bear with.

Thanks J.C and L.L.S, it must has been hard for both of you
to hear the conclusion with me in the room.
Many HUGs to both of you!


  1. Sorry to hear about your condition. You are right, you are still young and have high chances of healing so dun try to push yourself anymore. Do take extra care.

  2. Thanks, i will take lots of care :)


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