Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yi Jie's 21th Present

Lazy me...
This is like a month ago
when i did this with my best buddies!!
Now then i'm gonna upload them :P
Hello, it's pretty expensive!!
It will kill me if i'm paying all.
I can buy lots of desserts to eat!! :P :P
Anyway, we got this for our friend,
erm not my close friend,
but i get to know her when
we were having steam boat there!
She rememberd what we ususally order!
I remembered there's a time we forgot about
our cabbage!! then suddenly it pops out!
then we like AAAA did we order?!
that's when we had noticed that we forgot about it!
:P :P heheh
Thanks yi jie for been such a nice waitress :D :D
Should wish you an advance Happy Birthday!! :D :D

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