Sunday, October 11, 2009

Toast Box

Blah blah..
I actually didn't went out for breakfast for months!!
I didn't went to eat breakfast just because i wanted..
I was out the whole night at town..
Roaming around..
Naughty girl hur..
Hey, this is the first time i ever stayed out okay..
I'm a good girl okay.. (ppl must be puking for sure.. -__-)
All right, Floss toast from toast box!!
Ate this the second time..
NICE, loves the half boiled eggs!!
Because i had trained myself how to break the eggs nicely,
during my time at Delifrance.. I have became PRO.. :P
Anyway, it must be a sumptuous breakfast since i was dead beat without any sleep..
wahahha.. kinda being mean ah..
3.5 sumptuous~~
the traditional kaya butter is still NICER!!! :P

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