Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fuji Syuusuke

My Fuji Syuusuke
One of my art to end off January 2009.
It was doing fine at first,
when i repaint it again after months,
there it goes down to the drain.
the skin color area was something
i need to brush up.
But i'm not going to touch it anymore.
Hurts me so much. :(
I don't have it's completion date.
Whatever, it's not totally completed anyway.


  1. The shading at the shirt part is nicely done. If I may suggest, you may want to use marker or ink to outline the character. it should look better. Just a suggestion. it up to you. :)

  2. Thanks for the suggestion , LEon! Will note that down :)


Appreciate it if you can write something :)