Saturday, December 12, 2009

Anime Festival Asia 2009 Part I

As promised, i am uploading my AFA photos!!
There's a lot i wanna share, just bear with me okay :)
It was a very memoriable event for me,
sicne this is my first experience attending AFA.. :D

We met at 9am and reached there before 10am, and it's already this crowded.

This is theis theme for this year's AFA 09 :)

Look at the queue!!

My frens were camera-shy.. :(

Kinda cool hur, having the media around.. :)

More photos of the crowd.


It's really ALOT of people..

Spotting cosplayers :)

Can't wait to get out tickets too!!

I'm shooting you too, camera-man :P

YEAH!! Love this :)

Bleach and Akatsuki :)

DIGIMON spotted!! Isn't he cute?

Took this cox the characters were LOL to us. :P

Zero from Vampire Knight :)
Actually he's a neighbour of my fren haha!!
He's one of the nicer cosplayer for Zero, anyway we saw 3 Zero!
Hahah, trying to stay clam and be cool~ LOL

From VK too, but i can't figure out which character is she.. :P

FINALLY, we are getting nearer to the ticketing counters!!

Enjoying the student rates!! :)

The so called 'Boss' is double checking the no. of tickets :P

Oh YEAH!! These are OUR tickets :P *BIG smiles*

These are given to us when we purchased the tickets :)
There's a lucky draw to it too, grand prize, a set of Nendroids!
It's expensive and tempting!!
More photos to be uploaded again!! :)
Hope you have feel the excition i had on that day :)

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