Sunday, December 27, 2009

NEW york new YORK

Sorry about the unglam arm shadow..

Look at that!!
MUDpie, from NYNY,
cost? i don't remember anymore..
i tihnk it's about S$6 plus, heheh!
This is the first time i ate it,
as in MUDpie..
was always thinkin how does it look like..
now i know!! MUD = choco sauce!!
Hmm.. as i have mentioned before, i'm not a choc lover..
But i'm glad it wasn't VERY VERY sweet..
didn't have any sugar rush.. :)
Wish that the texture of the pie could be better :)
Greatness 4.25 :)


  1. it doesn't look like the ordinary mudpie i've seen..
    Sei.. you are MEAN!:(( im salivating already! *pouts* :P

  2. Oops~ :P How does the ordinary one look like? Hmm.. that's a positive response from you! :D

  3. of course! it looks so rich and yummy!~~~ *salivates even more*
    erm.. the mudpie at Friday's look like this link below.. see its not as rich as yours!~ me wants :(((

  4. Oops~ HAHA!! That looks like a usual chocolate cake to me :P :P Nah!! every mudpie has had their speciality :) :) COME here soon and i will bring you around to devour all lovely desserts :) :)

  5. hahahaha see! sad sad mudpie! :( i cant wait to visit! but first must save up! :DDD

  6. haha!! i'm saving up for next youth camp!! really lookin forward in meet you guys again!! miss you all loads :)


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