Monday, December 14, 2009

Anime Festival Asia 2009 Part II

Continue-tion of AFA :)

Spotted lolita(s)

PANDA :D i thought it's cute :)

Wario instead of Mario -__-

Digomon & Bleach

Anime characters actually read straits time LOL

Ichigo from Bleach :)

More poses..


How i wish our school uniforms are like this!!

Lucky draw!! Let's try our luck :D

Entrance :)

JH and the hug bag :)

Group shot :)

Insert your coins

Turn it!

Open your capsule ball :)

TaDAH!! :P

Your turn!! :)

Oh yeah!!

Her turn!!


MOS burger soup :)

Nee-chan's turn :D

Arrgh!! So tight..

Let me help u!

Aww..It isn't my Ed..

Again again~

There she goes again :P

yes!! it's PINK :D

It's S$4 per turn @_@

She have gotten the white one :)

These are all the capsule balls all of us turned..

WOW.. It's fun to play this again, though in total we spent more than S$20 on this.. haha!!

I'm the stand for the keychains.. haha~
Will be back again with more interesting photos :)
Hope you have enjoyed it :D


Appreciate it if you can write something :)