Wednesday, February 10, 2010

BUSY lah..

Hey peeps!!

School is getting busy again!!
It just don't wanna give us a break!!
This whole month is test and examination period,
can you imagine how hectic it gonna be when CNY is coming soon too..
Oh gosh, gonna find time to mug more instead of sitting in front of
the screen and blog about my fav. T.T

Isn't it sad??
But i'm glad i do spare some time for my baby piano~
Have been practising Hanon (mezzo forte) these two days..
I'm serious that it's like Ahhh.. (fingers are dying)

Gonna work a on few pieces at one go..
Hmm.. Some basic and some chim pieces..
Lookin forward to complete learnin them..
Wanna overcome the fear of crowds too..
Face head on to the music if not you won't fully enjoy it!! :D

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