Monday, August 10, 2009

Christianity Related Book

Every Young Woman's Battle
Guarding your Mind, Heart and Body in a Sex-Saturated World
by Shannon Ethridge and Stephen Arterburn

I took quite a while to finish this book,
since there countless of things waiting for me to finish up too.
Okay, this book is worth reading it.
Men and young men, please don't worry,
you can read it too, just grab the one titled
Every Man's Battle and Every Young Man's Battle respectively.
Both of these books were written by
by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey.
I had learnt and reflected myself while reading this book.
As if you're looking at a 'tainted-self' in the mirror.
It forces you to recall what you once thought and did.
The authers reinforce their points with Bible verses,
if you're a believer, definately it will give a wake up call.
You will learnt how to avoid and handle temptations,
not to mislead others with your temptations too.
To understand yourself better, your soul, your desires,
your needs and why man act in such ways due to your
appriorate or misleading actions and responds.
I don't recommend ladies to read when you're down,
because it will pull your self-esteem to the bottomless pit.
Read with thoughts and doubts.
Apply what's necessary to you into your life.
Last but not least,
the first relationship we ought to build is God and yourself.
4 stars out of 5 for young ladies to read..

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