Friday, August 14, 2009

Migraine Triggers

I saw this article which is worthwhile sharing, here you go.

Migraine sufferers experience abnormal electrical activity in the cerebral cortex, which is the part of the brain that is used for thinking. The abnormality spreads to the hypothalamus and the midbrain. What actually happens is that the brain chemical serotonin rise and then drop very sharply which causes the blood vessels to swell and inflammed.

Predisposition to migraine is mostly in the genes. But there are still cases that attacks are triggered by dietary or environmental factors like the following:

1. Beer and red wine are number one triggers for migraine sufferers.

2. Artificial enhancers like monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame (like NutraSweet).

3. Not eating on time.

4. Lack of sleep.

5. Processed meats with nitrates and nitrites as preservatives.

6. Cheese.

7. Food that contains tyramine amino acide and phenylethylamine which chocolate has.

8. A certain scent in perfumes.

9. Cigarette smoke.

10.Psychological stress is one big factor. But more often than not, migraine happens after the stress is over.

These are some of the things that migraine sufferers have to take note to avoid. Migraine can become very intense that it lasts for days. It is almost always accompanied by nausea. Most triggers can be avoided and to some extent, even the psychological stress factor. Statistics show that psychological stress often comes from financial problems. Learning the tricks to financial management could literally save you headaches. Right from the issues of paying off your rv finance to the budgeting of your regular household expenses.

Putting aside environmental and dietary factors, migraines can be left at bay when we take control.

Source: [acessed on 5August 09]

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