Monday, August 24, 2009

Christianity Related Book

The Five Love Languages for Singles
by Gary Chapman

It has been always a trouble for me to read books,
especially storybooks. Thus, it's quite an achievement
for me to finish another book this year.

After so many posts and posts of nosh,
let's have a change of taste,
feed yourself with more knowledge then :D
Recently, i have felt that i needed more spiritual food.
Christianity related books are one of my doors
for spiritual food.

All right, a little too much of blabberings already. HA.

Through this book, i had found out that there are
different categories on how you can
receive and express your love to others.

From what i can recall, there is always
a small little bible verse at the end of the chapter.
Most probably, to direct you back to
God's words not the author's.

Just to highlight to you,
the love languages are Affirmation of Words,
Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service and
Physical Touch.

The book gives a lot of examples which were
experienced or encountered by the author himself.
I do agree that there are times, reading such examples
will induce sleep into your mind.
Therefore, i don't recommend you to read it
when you're bored. HA.

You will benefit yourself by knowing which is/are
your primary love language(s),
yea, you may be a bilingual.
Learn how to identify your love ones's langauges
and express it to them though those language(s) might
not be the ones you're good at expressing.

Who doesn't want to feel love?
Show your love to others,
others will show theirs to you soon or later.

It's just like how God love us, the sinners first,
before we love him back.

3.75 stars out of 5 for bookworms

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