Monday, December 15, 2008

Action and Detective

Ryoko's Case File
Love cops? Detective games? Try this series, this lady is going to kick the ass of the bad guys! Treat her colleagues like servants, though she's their superior. She's a 'well known' cop in tokyo and have a big shot family background. Not only she's good at kicking other's ass, she hot and sexy and worse come to worse she's reckless at times too! hahaha Everyone wants to hunt her down. Accompanied by a series of trails awaits her and colleagues while one of them will betray her! How she's going to find out? And how she will deal with that traitor and kick his ass! wahahahah Quite a appealing anime, hope you people will fancy it, just like myself! :P
Completed: 13 episodes
4.5 POPCORNS! eat more!

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