Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Message

Message for 2008 from sei aka mn.

2009 is just a day away.
what's the different between 2008 and 2009.
it's just a figure to me, a figure to mark your past and memories.
the sun still shines,
the clouds still rain,
the moon still reflects light,
the four seasons still continues,
the time still move on.

time waits for no one.

every seconds passes without warning.
don't take time for granted,
you never know how much time you have.
don't waste your time on things and people that are not worth for.
i have wasted my time, a year.
should i say, it's more than that.
it's about regrets and time.
i had walked the wrong path.
but i have to continue.
learnt a lesson,
never put your efforts and time that are not worth for.
don't be naive that it will go your way,
you will never get whaat you wanted,
but always what you needed.

life is never too fair to you.

if you have the time to complain,
it's time for you to use it wisely.

promises are nonsense to me.
people promise and break it.
so what's the meaning of having a promise.
don't waste your time to believe it.
all it does was to diminish your light of hope.
darkness will overwhelmed your vision.

promises are meant to be fulfilled.

don't make promises when you aren't not sure.
if not the end result is hurting others.

during 2008,
friends and family,
i truely treasured and loved all of you.

and please don't assumed yourself
as my friend when i might not consider you one.
you may be just a classmate, schoolmate.
i might be rude and offending,
but i meant it.

Good day and wishes a new year to all readers.

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