Tuesday, December 16, 2008



All right, how it was filmed was uncommon. If you have watch Cloverfield before, it is just like how it was film. Good thing is this time round, the filming will be more stable and steady. :) Not so dizzy.

About this reporter, interviewing a fire department and they were in luck to film the fire fighters to be on action. And they are seriously IN LUCK to be caught in serious troubles! Story begins when the flesh of a young cop were bitten away by an old lady, she seriously don't look FINE. Soon a fire fighter had so called take control of this lady, in minutes he was thrown down from a few stories above. Everyone starts to get panic and the situation is becoming chaotic. The building has been taken measures to a situation of BNC and everyone were isolated in that building. Everyone knows something is wrong and tried to escape from the building! However it doesn't seems optimistic for the fellow risidents, fire fighters, cops and the reporter and cameraman. Love it or not, they are in deep sh*t. What will you do if you are in that situation?

NO weapons

NO escape

NO help

NO details

NO tomorrow

Rated 3.5 popcorns, i had spent 6 bucks to scare myself twice. LOL

If you're a noob for horror movies, i dare you to watch it and never had a second time for horror moives :P

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