Monday, December 29, 2008


Will you kill youself when you feel like?
How will you finish off yourself?
Why will you choose to end it yourself?

I had my times when i wanted to end this life.
But still i'm alive right now.
There's always this sentence kept in my mind,
which was said by my mum.
"If my child dies and the others asked how he/she was passed away."
She told me this, how ashame it will be to tell others my child commited suicide.

Just this sentence had stopped myself from choosing such a crook path.
Right now, i know there are friends and family who loves and cares for me.
If i'm gone, i supposed i had ended my fears, suffers, sorrows and every single thing.
However, my friends and family who loves and cares for me,
will be the one who will bear my sorrows for me
for their rest of their life, i supposed.
It's just unfair to the others to see you go when you're not supposed to.

Right now, i believed there's nothing that will truely drives you to commit suicide.
Problems and troubles might not be able to be solved.
Time might to heal your wounds and scars.
But what i will choose is, to prevent any more wounds and scars
and create more joyful memories.
Life is short, i might not devote myself to christ but
i wanna do what i can, what i suppose to do,
at least be a good daughter and person.

People, it's not too late to love yourself, your family and friends.
They might be gone in the next minute, we will never know it.
Tell them and let them know, you care for them and love them.

It's never too late for anything.
Do what you want but not suicide.
It's okay to die if you feel like,
but you're a sinner who hurt yourself and hurt even more to your beloved ones.

Think twice before you act.
Be mercyful to yourself and others.

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