Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Romance and Action


Romance of a vampire, Edward, and a human, Bella. How they were met in college? Trying to understand each other, but there's a misunderstanding between them at the very first day of school for Bella. Kinda cool when they start to understand each other through 'fights'. Soon there's another vampire who had put his target on Bella, trying to hunt her down while Edward and his family wants to save her and treat her as their family member. I prefer the second half of the movie, which is more appealling to my taste. First half was how they were met and every small little things. Action comes in during the second half, bits of kissing scenes and jokes. Not too bad for an ending.
Rated 4.0 popcorns.
Remarks: A story plot which i dont think it is a rewatchable movie. I won't go for a second time for it. Not bad for a romance, a worth to watch if you don't read the books. Good starring from it, appreciate how the Edward was been acted out. :)

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