Sunday, September 20, 2009


Bakerzin's great desserts?!
Classic dessert, Crème brûlée,
ever thought of what does it mean?
It means burnt cream in French :)
By now, you should be drooling after lookin
at those tempting photos of me :D
Just take a look at the smooth creamy pudding
and burnt white sugar!!
How could you resist from it? :P
The cream isn't sickening at all, but of course
you do get bored from eatin it all by yourself :)
since it is served in a big serving :D
Just say mmmHHHmmmm when it melts on your tongue :D
4.25 sumptuous!!


  1. ooookkkay....just woke up and I decided to check out your blog again. And I'm greeted with this yummy picture you posted. hehehehe... Now I'm off to have some breakfast. =)

  2. THANKS again!! :) :) glad you had enjoyed it :)


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