Saturday, September 5, 2009


Peeps, just bare with my emotional post again..

How i wish i could make a hue and cry now..
But the fact is, it's not possible..
Tears kept welling up in my eyes..
I have got no words to express how upset i am right now..
I have no one who i could actually whined and cried to..

Here i am writing on my blog, whining to it..

It started off with that glimpse of hope..
I was blinded and led along by those body languages
and my ignorant, foolishness and naive thoughts.

At the eleventh hour,
i have betted all my chips to that question,
clearly understood that i was at odds..

The answer given was crystal clear..
So are my feelings..

But i'm glad, because it wasn't a full stop..

Words aren't mere words,
i have said what i truely felt..
It was hurting, but
things are better this way..

Indeed, time did give an answer..

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