Sunday, September 27, 2009


The traditional TAKOYAKI!! WoW~~
Isn't it wonderful to have something like this in Singapore?
It's located only at ION Orchard Basement!
It's a must-try kinda takoyaki!!
Slightly more expensive compared to the usual ones
we usually seen in ther places..
But it's worth it! For the long queue and price! :P
Just for your info,this takoyaki consist of dried shrimps,
red pickled ginger, green onions, diced octopus
and tenkasu (crunchy bits of deep fried flour-dough).
Due to their ginger and onions,
it is loads more frangance and tasty!
You won't stop from asking for seconds!
Hehehe, my fren and i actually ate 10 each,
it was great :) too great, but still you will be a bit
sick of it when the ginger were given too much.. :P

4.75 sumptuous!! :) :) besties~
6 takoyaki at S$4.80 with 1 drink S$7 plus
10 takoyaki at S$7 plus with 2 drinks S$9.90
for more details, please visit

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