Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It has been some time since i last reviewed an anime.
Here you go, SHANGRI-LA,
on going, latest episode is 22.
This anime was adapted from a novel
written by Eiichi Ikegami and illustrated by Ken'ichi Yoshida.
It's about this anti- government organization, Metal-age,
trying to make life better for the residents of Duomo.
Terrible living conditions, forests ans jungles engulfed Japan,
Altas is the only ideal resettlement for the citizens is what they thought only.
However, the truth is revealing as Kuniko Hojo, the new leader of Metal-Age,
tried to battle against the Government.
I like this series alot! it's BATTLEing FUN :P
Here's their OP and ED for better imaging :P

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