Saturday, February 28, 2009

Violent and Supernatural

Finally!!! I have updated another manga review.
Presenting one of my favourite mangas, ALIVE.
we are alive on this planet, and they arrived.
A very intereesting and violent manga, Not for Children under 16 :)
Okay, a school boy witnessed a girl who jumped off the building
and landed right in front of him, smiling at him at the last moment.
At this point of contact, he was envying her.

All of a sudden, in Japan, everybody seems to be commiting suicide.
The cites are becoming chaotic.
Nobody knows what's going on,
however, there's a batch of guys with super powers.
Specifis powers within each of them,
recuiting 'partners' and planned something fishy.

Here, are some screenshots.
The manga is still going on, volume 14.
Personally, i felt that the story can stop at volume 9.
But the story is good, that's why i continued, though is a abit naggy now.
By the way, i read it in chinese.
But here's the english link :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

19 Feb 09 at Chongs' resident

Dinner with Chongs!
I missed them!! :)
And i managed to catch herchu [i think it's spelled this way] bathing!
Once in a year only!! :)
She's a combination of hare and bunny :)

Aren't herchu cute plus er jie! :)

Cute herchu! :)

I'm COLD!!!

Teacake from neighbour! Apricot and raisins!

Shou En and Wei Ci :)

JEALOUS??? heheheh :P

Myself and Wei Ci san mei! :)

Hand book

Presenting my secondary school's handbook designs :)

2009, by Mrs. De Souza

2007, by Ms. Nicola Choo

Isn't it cool? :D

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The Food Place of Raffles Place
I ordered my dinner at this japanese stall,
at S$5.80. Beef tenpanki.
Not too bad, find the sauce a little sweet only.
Try it if you like japanese food :)
Nearest MRT is Cityhall.
The Food Place is located at level four.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Myself of 2008

I have just noticed that i have got lesser photos in 08.
What a waste, i have neglected my friends.
It's okay, 09 will be a better year for us to hang out!

Plaza Singapura, michelle + me + jia yi

SP t624, li lin + me [i sort of refused to take photo, awww i should take it properly.]

Class outing, toys r us, me + tree + dbt lab roses :P

Toy r us, me + jun hui
Back at HSS for 'O's results, 4 distinctions for praba and myself.
unknown [out1out] + praba [exco seceratary] + zhang qian [exco president] + me [exco president]
We are proud of Aesthetics Club! Banzai!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Myself of 2007

Now i'm eighteen already,
decided to post some of my old good days photos.
To share my 过去的欢乐 with my readers.
Photos are just a moment of capture.
The moment has been recorded down.

Having class photo shooting, me + pui hoon + bih shean

NDP 07 in HSS, me + pui hoon

Church June Outing, me + dorcas

Graduation night, me aka yoh + eunice aka hao ['brothers' LOL]
Chongs' resident, me + wei ci

Monday, February 23, 2009


What does birthday mean?
Birthday is the name given to the date of the anniversary of the day of a person's birth.

What is so special about birthday?
It just a date to me.

Wishes all others who was borned on this date,
a happy year rather than a happy birthday.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ordered Vanilla and Macadamia Nuts.
A very nice combination,
when they were mixed together!
Only at S$8.00 for two scoops TAKEAWAY promotion.
Promotion ends on 28 Feb 09.
Vanilla compared with Ben & Jerry's, Häagen-Dazs has a less sweet vanilla and a stronger taste of vanilla essence. I loved their macadamia nuts ice cream!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Japanese Food Court, Ishi Mura, 石村

Another side of a different interior design :)

As you can see, i'm eating Okonomiyaki [Omelette rice]

Check it out at the behind the scene. Grade A Quality Control :)

Beef Patty at only S$5.50.

Kinda big serving hur~

Worth the price, it's pure japanese rice :D
The black pepper sauce seems to be a little sweet for me.
Rated 3.8 sumptuous~
Order it when you're famishing~