Sunday, February 8, 2009


Ben & Jerry's ice cream!!
Double Belgian Waffle at S$13.80.
I had ordered Lemonade sorbet plus Vanilla ice cream.
WONDERFUL! sour plus sweet! :)
Topping are m&m's and chocolate chips.
Dressing is caramel!
Vanilla is very tastful!!
While Lemonade is very sour yet nice!
Lovely combination i had choosen. LOL.
Waffle is prepared on the spot,
which is fresh and crispy!
However there's something missing on the ice cream!!
Haven't you notice it??
It's the whipped cream!!!
Oh my, they should have stocked in more whipped cream.
How can they out of whipped cream.
Sigh, my mei loves whipped cream yet there isn't any on the ice cream.
Rated 4.0 sumptuous!
Marks deduced for no whipped cream! hahahah!!

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