Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It's rather crowded even it's late, reached there at about 2145.
XinWang closes at 0200 daily.

One of my favourites, Spicy Pork Congee, 五香猪肉粥.
It priced at S$6.90.
Remember to stir and mix the congee before you eat.
Try it before you add your pepper and soya.
It might be salty for some, thus, i'm advising you to try it first.
Don't rush, you might spoil the congee after adding your soya and pepper. :)
This congee contains salted cabbage too.
I doesn't really fancy their salted cabbage,
however, it does enhance the taste of the congee. :)
Here you go,
i'm done with my congee,
an empty claypot returned to them :)
Wanted to chill there till late night,
however it's cold there.
Sat there till 2230,
gobbled my milk tea and off i go. :)
In total of my milk tea and congee, S$11.55 inclusive of GST and service charge.
Rated 4.50 SUMPTUOUS!
Good service, they will greet you upon visit and when you left. A noob waitress serviced me, will be glad if he was properly trained and well informed by his seniors. Didn't know his stuff well, i gonna repeat myself twice. But it's fine, be polite :D give them time to learn :) Overall, all service were good. :) A pleasant dinner there even if i'm out alone. :)

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