Saturday, February 7, 2009


Happy Ricebox of 士林 [Shi-Lin]
Pricing at S$5.00.
As you can see from the photo,
a plate of rice which is served with spicy chicken cutlet,
3 slices of beancurd and your choice of drink available there.
I had this twice in a week,
a change of main course from school's.
For a small eater, this is more than enough to full your tummy.
For me! I'm about 3/4 to 1/2 fulled. I'm a monster.
Just to save my cash, i just let my tummy be.
Haha, a must try taiwan street snack! :)
Rated 4.0 sumptuous!!
Not all outlets have this in their menu, i had mine at Harbourfront centre! BRAVO!

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