Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nosh of Sushi Tei

No names for all because too chim for me to remember them :)
This is tuna with rice, like a sushi but is it fried. If i'm not wrong it is fried tuna maki. :)

i think this is miso udon! lovely, but i took quite a while just to chew the udon.
this is a shared serving. so wasn't much, just enough for me to try out! soup base is awesome!

AWWW, i love this one! Thick and creamy of corns!!! though i'm not a corn lover, it surely makes me ask for more! :)

Wrong order!! PRAWNS!!! tried one only, not too bad.

My favourite dish~ but it sort of shrugged compared to the last time i ate it.
Crab meat!!! Baked one!!! :) it's very very NICE!!! makes me drool~~
In total, inclusive of service charge and GST, rounding off to S$42.

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