Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sentosa on 4 February

Awwww!! Managed to catch this ORANGISH yolk!!
Reached beach station at 0740.
Took this on top of the station.

Walking to blue line bus!
Can you see that YOLK!

Wooohooo! I'm heading to the beach already!!

As you can see from the photo,
I'm at SILOSO!!

I like the lighting!
But i looked rather fair.
I wanna be tanned!
Yeah! Now i looked darker! :P

Yeah~ My feets are grounded to the sand.
Let's enjoy the beach, sky and yolk~

I'm heading to the opposite island!


Myself and the lovely sun!

Awww, i love these photos.

Does it brighten your day?

Another angle~

Another one~

The sun lasts for about ten mintues okay.
My sunlight!!

Look at my prints!! Marking them down into the damp sand~

Now, see how cloudy it is compared to 2 Feb.
Nice clouds.

However, i don't want such a weather!!
My sun has been blocked!! :(

I'm leaving already, let's enjoy the sea.

Cool! PURPLE tram!!
Faster go through 4a then come to 3a!

Tram is coming soon!
Another photo!!

Awww, i loved the greens!

Here you go,
last photo of me :)
My hair is messy!
YEAH! The tram is reaching the beach station,
go go go! Fast!

Beach station, took a photo of the tram from the top!

I'm waiting for the train to come!!!

Yeah!! Finally the train has arrived!
The green train loves me that i have to board it for 4 times!

On our way to Imbiah station,
managed to shoot a sharp photo while traveling.

Oh my! I'm way behind my meeting time!!
Train please go faster!!
Meanwhile, i took a shadow of mine again! :)

Finally, i'm having lunch with my mei at 士林.
As you can see, it's very sumptuous that she has finished the whole plate!
HAHA! Anyway she still doesn't know that i took a photo of her! :P
Heading to school for 3 hours of lectures at the stroke of 1050.

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