Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Myself of 2008

I have just noticed that i have got lesser photos in 08.
What a waste, i have neglected my friends.
It's okay, 09 will be a better year for us to hang out!

Plaza Singapura, michelle + me + jia yi

SP t624, li lin + me [i sort of refused to take photo, awww i should take it properly.]

Class outing, toys r us, me + tree + dbt lab roses :P

Toy r us, me + jun hui
Back at HSS for 'O's results, 4 distinctions for praba and myself.
unknown [out1out] + praba [exco seceratary] + zhang qian [exco president] + me [exco president]
We are proud of Aesthetics Club! Banzai!

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