Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sentosa on 2 February

Tadah! Took bus 855 with lots of white-collared workers on board to VIVO.
Decided to take train to sentosa, thinking that it will be empty.
But the truth is, it's crowded.
And i don't understand why there are Poly students wore quite decent going to Sentosa.
Missed the flowers exhibition which had ended on 1 Feb,
wasn't what i had expected while i passed by those flowers.
What a disappointment.
At 0835, travelling to sentosa on GREEN express train.
There are lots of people in the train,
i can feel some are staring at me.
Whatever, i'm just fine with what i'm wearing.
Please note, i'm wearing my cut in FBT shorts and FBT vest.

Waiting for yellow line bus to Palawan Beach.
I'm just too lazy to walk to the beach when it's so near.
Haha, because i wanna get to the other end of the beach.

A shot without the cap on the bus.
Looked a little tired.
Another shot with the cap.
Tried to smile, but i'm tired.

Looking for a decent place to tan.
However, the sand was kind damp due the the high tide.
Dangerous to lie down there while the next high tide is on it's way.

Sleepy eyes i have, slept only 5 hours.
Random shot, just wanna know that i was on the bridge.

Loved shadows of mine.
It's just so cool to have my shadow on the white sand.

Just ignored the left corner. LOL.
Took the photo when i'm tanning.

The sky is really BLUE.
It matches with the following photo,
like jigsaw puzzles.

Shots after i'm done with tanning.

While waiting for tram bus, i took another shot.
Due to 10 minutes of waiting time, a family came too.
The parents were looking at me, i think it's because of my attire.
But i'm at the BEACH, who cares! :P
Second row of the tram, i'm serious that i'm having fun taking photos.
I'm alone at the first cabin, doing what i want, shoot & shoot!

NO SUNLIGHT, poor lighting.

Tram moving kinda fast, jerks quite a number of times.

But still, managed to get a sharp shot, but a bit dark.

Enjoying the view on top of Beach Station.

The blue sky and sea made me wanna stay there longer.

However, i'm heading to school for my an hour of lecture.

Maybe i should go back again this week!

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